Is your betta fish turning black or fading? If you’ve noticed their color slipping, then this article is for you. You might be wondering what could be causing the change in hue and quality of life on its way out-er! In here we will explore all possible reasons why our little buddies may lose some brightness when they start losing pigment within their bodies over time (and don’t worry–it happens!). 

Illness or Disease

The first reason may be due to some form of illness or disease affecting the betta fish. The most likely culprit would be Ick (or White Spot Disease), which tends to give off a whitish spot on top of its body, hence the name. This type of illness is caused by a parasite that enters the fish’s body and multiplies in there. The parasite feeds off the fins and body tissue, causing it to lose color and eventually die.

They’ve Been Injured

Another reason why your betta may be losing color is because of some type of injury. Maybe they’ve been in a scuffle with some other fish or they got into an accident while you were transferring them to their new home. Most of the time, if your betta gets injured, it will become seemingly lethargic and also tend to drop all of its color. If you notice that your betta is moving a lot slower than usual and seems to be lying on the bottom of their tank a lot, then they may have some type of injury. 

Lack of Foods

This is a reason that most people don’t think about because it seems so logical, but sometimes betta fish just need more food. When your betta doesn’t have enough to eat, they will start to lose color and become weaker over time. So if you think your fish may be lacking some color, try feeding them more. 


The most common reason why bettas lose color is because they are stressed out! Bettas are very prone to stress because of their size, so if your fish tank is overcrowded with other fish or there are too many decorations in the tank, this could be causing your betta to lose some of its color. Bettas like to have a lot of open space so they can move freely and feel safe, so as long as your betta doesn’t seem nervous at all you should be good; but if it seems very agitated and is constantly flaring up at other fish, then you might want to reconsider the amount of space it has.

They’re Getting Old

This is a pretty obvious one to point out, but betta fish will start losing their color once they reach the old age limit. When your betta gets older, it won’t have as many pigment cells left in its body and therefore won’t contain as much color. You can test this by seeing how long your betta can flare and by checking the color of its poop (if it doesn’t already have an illness). If your betta has a lot of black or darker colored poo, then they probably aren’t suffering from any type of illness.

They’re Going into Breeding Mode

One interesting thing about male betta fish is that they start to lose color when they go into breeding mode. For some reason, once a male betta has spotted a female of interest, he starts to get anxious and loses all of his color within a few hours or days of seeing her. This is one of the only times that male bettas will actually become lighter in color!

Why Is My Betta Turning Black?

If you ever see your betta turning black, then there are a few things that could be causing this. The first thing to look for is any other fish in the tank. Black colored fish are usually due to bullying by other fish or because of attacks from either someone else’s betta or another type of black colored fish. If this is not the case, then you need to make sure that your betta is healthy. If it does have an illness or disease, try to do everything in your power to save him–they’re very special fish!

Fin Rot and Bacterial Infection

If you’re noticing that your betta is losing color and having a hard time staying afloat, then it could be because of fin rot or a bacterial infection. Both of these illnesses are usually brought on by the fish being stressed out or having some type of injury. If you think this may be happening to your fish, you should take it to a vet or fish specialist as soon as possible.

Ich / ick

If your betta has small white dots all over its body, then it is probably suffering from ich or ick. This is a very contagious illness that can easily spread to other fish in the tank, so you’ll want to treat your betta as soon as possible. Ich is treated with a special medication that you can buy from most pet stores.


If your betta has a large, elongated sore on its body, then it is probably suffering from columnaris. This illness is caused by bacteria and can be deadly if not treated right away. Treatment usually involves antibiotics, but you should always consult a veterinarian before starting any type of medication.

Anchor Worms

If you see a small, white worm protruding from your betta’s anus, then it is probably suffering from anchor worms. This is a very gross and contagious illness that can easily spread to other fish in the tank. Treatment usually involves antibiotics, but you should always consult a veterinarian before starting any type of medication.


Bettas are known to lose color when they are stressed. Simply moving their tank to a new location, the addition of another fish, or even a change in water can be enough to make your betta go from bright and beautiful to dull and gray. This is totally normal and if your betta seems relaxed or calmer after all of the changes, then they should color back up in a short period of time.

When A Marble Betta Changes Color

There are a few different reasons why a marble betta might change color. The most common one is due to stress, but it can also be due to illness, old age, or breeding mode. If you think your betta’s change in color is due to something other than old age, then you should take it to a vet or fish specialist as soon as possible. 

How To Make My Betta Fish More Colorful

If you want to make your betta more colorful, there are a few things you can do. The most important one is to make sure that the water is clean and healthy. You should also try to add some live plants to the tank, as they will give your betta something to hide in and help reduce stress levels. Finally, you should also keep the tank away from bright lights, as it can cause your betta’s colors to dull.

Tank Size

The size of your tank can also have an impact on your betta’s colors. A larger tank will give your betta more space to swim around in and will make him feel less stressed. This, in turn, will make his colors brighter and more vibrant. If you’re not able to increase the size of your betta’s tank, then you can try adding live plants to help reduce stress levels and give him an area to hide in.


The temperature of your tank can also affect your betta’s colors. A cooler temperature will make him darker, while a warmer temperature will make him lighter. You should try to keep the tank at a consistent temperature, as drastic changes in temperature can also cause stress and lead to illness.


Your betta’s diet can also have an impact on the colors. If you are feeding them a lot of color enhancing foods, then their colors will be brighter. However, you should still try to feed your betta varied diet that includes protein and beta-carotene.

How long does it take for betta fish to regain color?

It usually takes a betta fish a few days to regain its color after being stressed. However, if the stress is due to an illness, then it might take a little longer for the colors to come back. You should always consult with a veterinarian or fish specialist to make sure that your betta is getting the right type of treatment.

What is the white film on my betta’s tail?

If you see a white film or patch on your betta’s tail, then it could be fin rot. If left untreated, this can spread to other parts of your betta’s body. Fin rot is caused by poor water quality and should be treated as soon as possible. It is also very contagious, so you should always keep your betta’s tank away from other fish.


It is normal for a betta to have losses of color due to stress. If your betta has turned white or black and you are worried about it, then you should always consult with a veterinarian or fish specialist before adding any medication.

Anchor worms are extremely contagious and can easily spread from one fish to another if not treated fast. If you think your betta might have anchor worms, then you should take it to a vet as soon as possible for antibiotics.

The size of your tank can also impact the colors of your betta. A larger tank will give him more space to swim around in and will make him feel less stressed. You should also try to add live plants to your tank.

If you want your betta’s colors to be more vibrant, then you should make sure that the water is clean and healthy. You should also try to feed him more foods that are high in beta-carotene and protein.

A betta may turn dark or light if its temperature changes drastically. You should try to keep the tank at a consistent temperature to help reduce stress levels.

It is normal for a betta to lose its colors during breeding mode. If your betta has turned white or black, then it is most likely in breeding mode.

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