The blue veiltail betta is one of the most sought after varieties among all types of bettas. Even non-bettafish enthusiasts cannot resist this gorgeous variety, which they are often taken aback by its beauty and splendor.

Bettas are an incredibly popular tropical fish found in aquariums around the world.

The blue veiltail betta fish is also known by the terms “Blue Moon” or “Moonlight” betta fish. They are quite expensive and it may be difficult to find one for sale in local pet shops, but buying your blue moon betta online makes sense due to their beauty.

Blue Veiltail Betta Overview

The blue moon betta has a unique tail that fans out into a veil. The fins are long and come to a point which adds even more elegance to the fish. These specific bettas also have rounded bodies, with a head shaped like an elongated triangle. They usually have brilliant shades of blue in their scales combined with specks of black and white. It is quite difficult to find a blue moon betta that has all of these traits together, as most of them will have some variation in color.

The blue moon bettas are not too big and they can be kept in aquariums with 5 gallons or more of water; however, due to their active nature they should not be kept in smaller tanks. You also need to make sure that the temperature is around 78°F and that the water is properly filtered and aerated.

For optimal health, you will want to consider adding 5-10 aquarium shrimp to your blue moon betta’s tank, as they love eating them.

There are not many special requirements when it comes to caring for this variety of betta, but you should monitor the pH level in the water. If it gets too low or high you will need to add an appropriate solution.

Most experienced fish lovers recommend that you feed your blue moon bettas at least twice a day, and only feed them what they can eat.

Typical Behavior & Temperament

These fish are usually very active, and they will spend most of their time in the top part of the aquarium. As any other siamese fighting fish hey can be aggressive towards other fish, so you might want to keep them alone in their tank or with other bettas that have similar traits.

They can also be nervous fish, so do not startle them by watching them from too close; instead, try to make your movements slower and more subtle.

The blue moon bettas are most active during the day, when they will swim around in their tank and contentedly suck on the glass with their mouths.

At night is when you can most often see them sleep with their tails against the surface of the water. You can see them do this as they slowly float up towards the surface. Sometimes during the night, you will not be able to notice them at all as they sleep half-way under water and their fins are completely spread out.

Appearance & Varieties

This type of betta fish is one of the most recognized thanks to their distinctive tail, which forms a gorgeous blue fan. Even when they are not in motion, this color can still be seen because of their scales reflecting light from all angles.

The fins of the blue moon bettas are what make them even more impressive and they have several layers of them that are all large and shaped like fans.

They have a long, streamlined body with an extended triangular head. Their eyes are big and lined with black, only adding to the beauty of this type of betta.

You can find blue moon bettas in many pet stores around the world, but they are also available online where you can find a wider variety.

The blue moon bettas come in many different color variations that range from pure blue to green and gold with pink undertones, so do not limit yourself when searching for one to buy. If you want a specific color, there is probably a variety out there with the exact shade you are looking for.

The blue moon bettas have been popular with hobbyist since the late 1800’s and they have gained even more notoriety in recent years because of their unique tails.

These fish hail from Thailand and other areas around Southeast Asia, and they have been a part of the culture there for centuries.

The blue moon betta is also quite popular in Japan, where it is known as the “Sarasijiki” and you can find them at many public aquariums as well as private ones.

How to Take Care of Blue Veiltail Bettas

Now that you know all about the blue moon betta, there is one more thing you need to know if this type of pet fish it is the right choice for you.

As mentioned above, they are not really suitable for smaller tanks, so you will have to keep in mind how large their enclosure should be before buying them.

On the other hand, if their tank is the right size and you feed them a nutritious diet that has been developed specifically for bettas, you can expect your blue moon betta to live up to 5 years.

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup

The blue moon bettas are not picky about where they live, but just like any other type of betta fish, their habitat must have easy access to water that is clean.

Tank Size

You will need to get a tank that is at least 10 gallons, but 20 or 30 gallons are preferred.

The blue moon bettas simply cannot live in smaller tanks because of their aggressive behavior and the fact that they grow quite large. If you keep them in too small of an enclosure, they can easily hurt themselves or become stressed.

If you are keeping this type of betta with other fish, the tank should be at least 30 gallons because they can be quite territorial. If you see that they are not getting along well with the other types of fish in your tank, then you need to choose which ones will stay and remove the others.

Be careful when tallying the number of tank occupants because overcrowding can lead to stress and disease. You also have to remember that the blue moon bettas have a large body, so you will need a lot more room per fish than with other types of betta fish.

Water parameters & Quality

Bettas are not very picky when it comes to water parameters and you can use any type of freshwater for their tank. However, the quality of the water is essential because if it is not pristine, your fish will become sick and stressed.

The ideal pH level for the blue moon betta is between 7.0 and 8.0, but you can keep them in slightly higher or lower levels as well.

When it comes to hardness, any type of water between 10 and 25 degrees will work fine because their natural habitat has this exact range.

You also need to make sure that your tank is fully cycled before you add the blue moon bettas because they are very sensitive to nitrates and ammonia.

Plants and substrate

You should provide your blue moon bettas with live plants because they prefer to live in this type of environment. Plastic plants will also work if you do not have any natural ones available.

The substrate should be either fine gravel or sand, and it needs to be 1-2 inches deep so that it can accommodate the growth of their large fins.

You have to keep in mind that these fish are messy eaters, so you need to clean the tank once or twice per week.

House your blue moon bettas in a neutral-pH freshwater aquarium with sufficient filtration and aeration. They are relatively easy to care for if their basic needs are met.

Lighting and filtration

The blue moon bettas require a lot of lighting and filtration because they grow very large. You can choose between fluorescent and LED lights, but make sure that they provide 12-14 hours of illumination per day.

You also need to install two types of filters; one external filter for mechanical removal of debris and one internal hang-on filter for biological filtration.

The blue moon betta does not require a lot of water movement in their tank, but you should make sure to install at least one waterfall or another type of water feature that will keep the water oxygenated and flowing.

What to Feed Your Veiltail Bettas

Since these fish are omnivores, you can feed them humans food and live or frozen betta fish food. You will have to pay special attention when feeding the blue moon bettas because they need a lot of protein in their diet.

Fish flakes and pellets that contain at least 40 percent protein should be just fine for your veiltails.

You can also give them live food once or twice per week, but make sure to remove any uneaten prey items after a few hours because they can rot and pollute the water.

A combination of live and frozen food is ideal for your blue moon bettas.

If you use freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms, brine shrimp or daphnia as a treat once per week, this should also be enough because too much protein can make them sick.

Along with a varied diet that includes live and frozen food, you can feed your blue moon bettas vitamin-enriched brine shrimp once or twice per week.

Are Veiltail Bettas Good Tank Mates?

The blue moon bettas can be kept in a community tank along with other types of fish and invertebrates, but you need to pay special attention when choosing their tank mates.

You should not house this type of fish with slow-moving or long-finned species because these will not feel comfortable in the same environment.

It is best to house them in a well-planted tank with other types of small and peaceful fish, such as guppies.

You should not keep the blue moon bettas together with anything that has large fins because they will become territorial and attack any type of fish that invades their space.

However, you can add another male to their tank if you want to breed them.

Are Blue Moon Bettas Aggressive?

The blue moon bettas can be very aggressive and territorial, so only add one male to a community aquarium. You should also avoid housing more than one male in the same tank because they will fight with each other until only one is left alive.

A healthy blue moon betta will attack any fish that is smaller than it. In the wild, they are predators, so do not place any other fish in their tank if you want to avoid attacks.

However, the females can be kept together without problems because they get along very well with each other.

One male and one female betta fish can be kept in the same tank, but only when there are plenty of hiding places available.

Keeping Your Veiltail Betta Healthy

The most important aspect of keeping your blue moon betta healthy is to maintain the water quality in their tank.

Clean the water once per week and make sure to replace at least 30 percent of it because that will prevent ammonia and nitrite levels from rising.

You can do a water change every two weeks, but never replace more than 50 percent of the water because changing too much of it can be stressful for your blue moon betta.

Along with clean and well-oxygenated water, you will need to feed them a varied diet that includes live food once or twice per week.

As we already mentioned, blue moon bettas are best kept in tanks that contain live plants because these provide their tank with the necessary oxygen.

The water temperature should be around 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and can drop to 70 degrees at night, but this is not a must because these fish are very adaptable.

You need to invest in a good-quality tank, filter and hood because they will protect your blue moon betta from getting sick.

You need to remember that the aquarium needs to be at least 20 gallons per fish, and you should add a hood with full-spectrum lighting if the tank does not receive natural sunlight for more than six hours per day.

The Most Common Health Problems

The blue moon bettas are prone to developing fin rot, fungal infections and bacterial infections if their water conditions are poor or they were exposed to low temperatures.

If you take good care of your blue moon betta, you can expect them to live for about five years in captivity. But if you fail to provide them with their minimum tank requirements and feed them a varied diet that includes live food, they will develop some health problems that can lead to death.

The most common problems for these fish include fin rot, fungal infections and bacterial infections. Also, the males might fight over females during the breeding process and tear their fragile fins.

If you notice that your blue moon betta has torn its fins, you should quarantine it immediately and treat the tank with salt because this happens very often during or after spawning.

Breeding Blue Moon Bettas

The blue moon bettas will start breeding as soon as they hit puberty, which usually occurs when they are between six and 12 months old.

When the water temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, you can expect the female to release her eggs daily for about two weeks.

One day, she will dance around the male and lead him to her eggs. During this process, your blue moon bettas will release about 200 eggs that will stick on plants and other objects in the tank.

The spawning process can last for four to six hours each day, so you should leave them alone during this time because removing the male or female from the tank could harm their reproductive capabilities.

The female blue moon betta can hold the eggs for about four to five days before they hatch, but you should remove her from the tank because her presence will make the larvae stressed and sick.

Once they are born, you will need to feed them infusoria until they get their adult teeth, which usually happens within a month. Then, you can move them to a separate hatching tank or feed them newly hatched brine shrimp larvae.

Are Blue Moon Bettas Good For Beginners?

The blue moon bettas are not good for beginners because they are aggressive and fighting fish that require a lot of attention because the water needs to be cleaned regularly, which might be a problem for newbies.

Moreover, the tank needs to have a high water quality at all times because these fish are very sensitive. Also, you need to remember that blue moon bettas should only be housed alone or with other females because there is always the risk of them fighting and killing each other without warning if kept together with males.

If you take good care of your blue moon bettas, they can live for up to five years in captivity. These fish are very resilient and adaptable because they have been living in tropical freshwater ponds for millions of years.

They love hiding among plants and rocks, so make sure to provide them with a lot of these when you set up the tank.


The blue moon bettas or how some may know them royal blue betta are a very beautiful species of fish that can amaze you with their rich color and interesting shape.

However, these fish have some special requirements because of their aggressive nature and the special bond they share with each other. Thus, you need to devote a lot of time to caring for them if you want your blue moon bettas to live a long and healthy life.

It is very important to note that blue moon bettas should only be housed in tanks with other females because they will always fight when placed together with males.

If you are ready to take good care of your blue moon bettas, you can expect about five years in captivity if everything goes well. These fish are hardy and resilient, so you should have little problem with providing them the proper habitat.

Even though they live for a relatively short time, blue moon bettas will always be great fish to own and admire if cared for properly.

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