Bloodworms For Betta: Everything You Need To Know

Do you have a betta fish? If so, then you know how important it is to feed them the right food. Bloodworms are a great choice if you’re looking for something high in protein and can help supplement their diet. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about feeding your betta […]

Constipation In Betta Fish: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

It’s been about a week since you said goodbye to your beloved pet fish, your beautiful betta. And yet, you still feel something isn’t quite right. You may not be able to put your finger on it, but you can’t quiet this nagging feeling that maybe the fish’s early death was preventable. Could it have […]

Do betta fish get lonely? Reasons & how to prevent it

Do you ever wonder about the inner life of your pet? Do betta fish get lonely, or is it just an amusing human aspiration to ascribe emotion to them? Science has revealed a lot about the behavior of these popular aquarium fish, and there’s some compelling evidence that they experience loneliness. In this article, we’ll […]

Reasons why betta fish fight and how to stop them

Are you a proud owner of one or more betta fish? If so, it’s likely that you’ve had to deal with the problem of two bettas in the same home fighting each other. While sparring and aggression are all part of what makes a betta fish such a fascinating species, it can be dangerous and […]

Koi Betta Fish: What They Are & Care Guide

Who doesn’t love a beautiful fish in their aquarium? There’s something so mesmerizing and tranquil about a group of colorful fish swimming around in glass tanks—especially when they are actively interacting with each other.  If you haven’t considered buying one yet, have you thought about giving tropical koi betta fish a try? These little beauties […]

Female Betta Fish: Appearance, tank mates and care

When people think of aquariums, one of the first things that come to mind is the female betta fish. Known for their vibrant colors and graceful fins, these freshwater beauties have been some of the most popular additions to home aquariums since they were first domesticated in the 19th century.  Though female betta fish are […]

How fast does moss grow?

Moss is a very interesting plant. It grows at a very slow rate, and can be found in many different environments. Some people believe that moss can only grow in shady areas, but this is not true. Moss can grow in direct sunlight, but it will not grow as quickly as it would in the […]

Why Is My Betta Fish Not Eating

The struggle of trying to figure out what is wrong with your fish isn’t just, well…a struggle. It’s something that many keepers have gone through and hopefully will never experience again! Luckily for you though (and them!), we’ve compiled this list from plenty tips on how get those fins moving again should they be refusing […]

Can Betta Fish Be With Other Fish? (Tips to make it work)

The answer to this question is a resounding YES! Betta fish can be kept in tanks with other compatible species. However, it’s important that you know what kind of tank environment they live and how aggressive your betta fish might be before deciding on adding another swimmer into their community space. How To Increase The […]

How To Treat Betta Fish Dropsy

Bettas are a hardy choice but sometimes even they can fall sick with certain ailments. Dropsy is one such condition. In this article we will talk about what it means when someone says “my betta got dropsy” then go over how to cure it – as well some common methods people use preventively too so […]