Betta Fish Swim Bladder Disease – Everything You Need To Know

If you have a betta then you might have noticed that it sometimes has a problem keeping its balance and struggles to stay afloat. This is because bettas can develop a condition called swim bladder disease, which is a problem with their buoyancy. The disease can be caused by many different things, such as eating […]

Why Is My Betta Fish Turning White / Losing Color?

Is your betta fish turning black or fading? If you’ve noticed their color slipping, then this article is for you. You might be wondering what could be causing the change in hue and quality of life on its way out-er! In here we will explore all possible reasons why our little buddies may lose some […]

How To Breed Betta Fish: Step By Step Guide

In this article, I’m going to share with you a method that has been proven effective in breeding desirable and healthy Bettas—without putting their health at risk. You may be surprised by how many times the same basic strategy works! And don’t worry: It’s perfectly normal for your first attempts not always produce desired results […]

Can Betta Fish See In The Dark?

The simple answer is yes, they can see complete darkness. The more complicated answer is it depends on what you mean by dark. They do not have infrared vision or a form of night-vision that humans have, but they can see in the dark! How does a betta fish see in the dark? First, it […]

How to Keep My Betta Fish Happy and Healthy

Doing your research beforehand can help keep the peace in and out of the tank. Aquarists should be proactive about caring for their betta fish by addressing any changes quickly so that it doesn’t become a problem before they notice anything unusual happening with them or around him, such as aggressive behavior from other inhabitants […]

Betta Fish Bubble Nests – Everything You Need to Know

Introduction Have you ever seen bubbles on the surface of your betta fish tank? Those little white, airy balls are called bubble nests and they’re a good sign that he’s healthy. Bubble nestering is actually something all Betta species do naturally while it can also be used to determine happiness with other factors in their […]

Siamese Algae Eater – The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need To Read

This article is about siamese algae eater. It is about its habitat, appearance, behavior, tank setup, water conditions and tank mates. The Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) is one of the most popular aquarium fish kept today. Many people fear that SAEs will eat their other tank mates’ scales or slime coat. This is not true, […]

Betta Fish Diseases – Ultimate Guide

The betta in your tank may have a hardy reputation, but that is never a reason for neglect. As pet owners, it is your responsibility to take good care of your aquarium fish, protect it from disease and give it the best, healthy life possible. The betta fish, also Betta splendens or Siamese fighting fish, […]

18 Best Tank Mates For Your Betta Fish

Watching Betta fish swimming around in its tank really is a sight to behold. Even so, sometimes, instead of just one fish, you might want to keep a companion or two for it and enjoy watching them swim together. The more, the merrier, right? Besides, you might also be doing this out of care and […]

Is My Betta Fish Male Or Female? Main Differences.

I am asked this question a lot. Even experienced fish keepers have trouble telling the difference between male and female betta’s from time to time, especially if they are new to keeping betta fish(1). It’s not an easy task, but with practice it can be done. Here are some tips to help you sex betta […]