Doing your research beforehand can help keep the peace in and out of the tank.

Aquarists should be proactive about caring for their betta fish by addressing any changes quickly so that it doesn’t become a problem before they notice anything unusual happening with them or around him, such as aggressive behavior from other inhabitants at home who might want to take over territory rights because he has been spending more time there than usual lately!

Sings of a happy betta fish:

  • It has Strong, vibrant colors
  • It fins are extended all the time (especially when you first see him in the morning)
  • It is swimming around his tank with ease, not lethargic or sluggish
  • It flares at other fish that come near, but does not fight them for long periods of time — only briefly to show he means business. If he stays aggressive toward others after they swim away, then it’s time to possibly separate him into a more peaceful environment.
  • It eats the food you drop into his tank

Sings of an unhappy betta fish:

  • It has dull, lackluster colors that are dimmed
  • It fins are not extended (may be clamped or laying flat against its body)
  • It is lethargic and listless, floating lifelessly around his tank without much interest in eating the food you drop into his tank unless there’s practically nothing else to do.


What betta fish eat is a huge factor in keeping them healthy and happy. They have a stomach of about 3 to 4 millimeters wide, so do not overfeed your betta fish no matter how often you see him begging for more food — it will likely swim away from its plate looking unsatisfied anyway.

There are many different opinions on what to feed a betta, but most agree that the best diet includes both meat-based as well as plant-based proteins. In addition, some people also say that daphnia or bloodworms can contribute to stress relief as well as immune system development. Betta fish should be fed at least three times daily even though they may only nibble on their food during certain parts of the day.


Stress is a major factor of unhappy betta fish. As with all animals, even humans, stress can stem from many things, so it’s important to take note of what has been going on around your pet betta fish as you work to keep him happy and healthy. It could be something as simple as a new ornament or moving things around inside the tank that doesn’t sit well with your bettas’ already sensitive nerves.

One way that stress usually shows up is in fin rot. Although some cases of fin rot are not often linked to stress levels, if you find an outbreak forming on one side of his body more than the other or he looks like he’s having some difficulties swimming as normal as before, it might be time to figure out what may be causing him problems.

Water Quality

Betta fish are usually kept in small, cramped places that do not allow for much maneuverability or room to move around at all without bumping into something. To keep your betta happy, you need to make sure the water quality is of the highest standard possible so he does not have to live in filth and can enjoy his days swimming free as intended.

There are three main factors of water conditions which affect bettas: temperature , pH level, and hardness . Bettas love warm water that is preferably between 76 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) on the low end and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) on the end. They cannot handle cold water because it can cause their internal organs to shut down and stop working, which would surely make a betta quite unhappy.

The pH level of the water is another major factor that can affect how your betta feels about his home. The best pH levels for bettas are usually between 6.8 and 7.5 , which keep their scales from being chalky or too tight against their bodies as well as keep them from developing fungus infections that usually result in white dots appearing on their fins.

Finally, hardness also affects a betta’s happiness to live in a certain environment. Bettas prefer hard water instead of soft water so they do not have to work as hard to stay afloat or breathe at all when swimming around through different parts of their homes.


It’s not enough to just clean your betta’s tank every week with tap water because you also need to make sure the water is free of chlorine and chloramines. You can do this by either buying a filter that handles all of these things for you or by doing it yourself every few days (which isn’t too difficult if you follow instructions).

The filter will help keep his water at the correct temperature as well as keep the pH level and hardness in check so he can be as happy as possible throughout his stay there. It’s important to make sure the filter is strong enough for his size, though; otherwise it can give off too much voltage which will affect him negatively as well.

Aquarium Plants

Part of keeping your betta fish happy does not only involve him but also the other living creatures in his environment. When you have aquarium plants inside his tank, it helps to oxygenate the water as well as give him something to play with when he’s feeling too curious about the changes that are occurring around him. You can even buy fake plants that will help him feel more secure and welcome inside his home.

Just make sure that if you decide to put any real plants into your betta’s aquarium, they are non-toxic because some might harm him with their leaves or leave behind a residue which can drip down into his water and become toxic for his consumption.

Tank Mates for Betta Fish

Never house betta fish with any other species of tropical fish, except for maybe some bottom-dwellers like shrimp or snails that will not bother him. The water conditions of different species are just too different, and it would be unhealthy to house them together even if they weren’t fighting over territory rights.

When choosing a tank mate, consider where your betta is in the social hierarchy amongst his own kind — whether he’s dominant or submissive. It may not be a good idea to choose another dominant betta because these two might fight constantly until one dies from stress or injury during battle. Even though females can sometimes get along fine living together in one aquarium, males should never be housed together no matter which betta fish you have. This is because they are extremely territorial by nature and will fight to the death if they compete for one space in their tank.


You should now know how to keep your betta fish happy inside his aquarium at home. The water conditions, food, pH level, tank mates and plants all play a role in keeping him healthy for as long as possible. If you make sure the water is clean enough for him with proper heat levels, filter protection and no harmful chemicals or debris left behind by other creatures then he will surely be grateful that you took the time out of your day to take care of his needs instead of neglecting them completely.

Add these variables together, and you will have yourself a happy betta fish that will live long enough to be enjoyed by anyone who buys him.

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