Bettas are a hardy choice but sometimes even they can fall sick with certain ailments. Dropsy is one such condition. In this article we will talk about what it means when someone says “my betta got dropsy” then go over how to cure it – as well some common methods people use preventively too so there won’t ever need any Vet visits needed again…

What is Dropsy?

Dropsy is a condition in fish where their scales stick out, making them look like pine cones. This is usually because of other disease brought on by the betta being old or unhealthy, but it can also be brought on by parasites and even water quality problems so it is not always related to dropsy.

However if it IS dropsy, it is a sign that the betta’s internal organs are no longer functioning well – most often because of an infection. In extreme cases dropsy can cause death.

Betta Fish Dropsy Symptoms

The symptoms of dropsy can vary depending on what is causing it, but generally the fish will be bloated and have scales that stick out. The fish may also be inactive, have trouble swimming, and sit at the bottom of the tank. There may also be discoloration – usually a reddish hue – and the fins may be clamped.

The most common symptom of dropsy is the protruding scales, but other symptoms can include:

– Loss of appetite

– Swelling

– Weight loss

– Difficulty breathing

– Reddening of the skin

Causes Of Dropsy In Betta Fish

As we’ve mentioned, there are many possible causes of dropsy in bettas. Some of the most common include:


Parasites can invade betta fish and cause dropsy. If the parasites are internal, they will cause the organs to fail which will lead to dropsy. There is a type of parasite that lives in the gills and this too will lead to dropsy as it makes breathing difficult.

In either case, you should treat your betta with a deworming medication to get rid of the parasites.

If you think your betta may have parasites, you can try to treat them at home using:

– A teaspoon of salt per gallon of water

– 1 crushed tablet of praziquantel (found in most pet stores) for every 5 gallons of water

– Remove the carbon from your filter

You can try this for a few days and if there is no progress, you will need to go see a fish Vet.

Some of the parasites that can cause dropsy are:

Fish lice: These will generally cause spots on the fins that will look like white grains of salt.

Anchorworm: These worms attach themselves to the fish and can cause intense scratching.

Flukes: Flukes are tiny parasites that live in the blood and gut of the fish. They can cause weight loss, lethargy, and swelling.

Poor Water Quality

Another common cause of dropsy is poor water quality. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as high levels of ammonia and nitrite, low pH, and high levels of dissolved solids.

If poor water quality is the cause of the dropsy, it can be treated by improving the water quality in the tank. This may involve changing the water, adding a water filter, or using water conditioners.

Bacterial infection

Another possible cause of dropsy is a bacterial infection. This is especially likely if the betta has already been diagnosed with an ich or parasite infection.

Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics such as kanamycin sulfate and streptomycin, though it’s important to monitor both water quality and temperature during treatment to ensure the fish doesn’t catch a secondary infection.

Viral infection

A viral infection can also cause dropsy in betta fish – and it is the most common cause. Viral infections are very contagious and can be transmitted from fish to fish easily. They can also pass to other aquarium residents such as snails, shrimp, and frogs.

Viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics or medications, but they can be treated with a healthy diet and vitamins.

In addition to the causes of dropsy that we have mentioned, it is also possible for betta fish to suffer from a genetic disorder called “Malawi Bloat” which is similar but much rarer. This condition tends to affect male bettas in particular and leads to them swelling up and developing a pine cone-like shape.

Toxicity from medications or pollutants

Betta fish are very sensitive to medications, and certain medications can cause dropsy as a side effect. If the medication has been used incorrectly then it could also be that the dosage was incorrect.

In addition certain pollutants in the water can cause dropsy. These include pesticides, fertilizers, and other agrochemicals.

Age or poor health

Another possible cause of dropsy is age. Young betta fish are not immune to dropsy, and it can affect them just as much as adult fish.

Older bettas may also become slightly more prone to developing dropsy. This is usually because their immunity has declined in old age.

If the fish is very old and has other health problems, then it may be more likely to develop dropsy.

Early Symptoms of Dropsy In Betta Fish

Dropsy in betta fish can be difficult to detect at first because the early symptoms are often very subtle. Usually there will be a slimming down of the body and a loss of energy, but not much more.

Any loss of appetite should also be taken as an early sign that something is wrong.

The fish should be monitored closely for any changes in behavior, because certain changes are clear signs that there is something wrong.

If the betta fish starts to display any of these symptoms then it should be taken to a vet immediately:

– Loss of appetite

– Bulging eyes or scales sticking up

– Hiding in the corner of aquarium 

These are all clear signs that the fish is unwell and may have dropsy.

Treatment For Dropsy In Betta Fish

To correctly treat dropsy in betta fish will vary depending on the cause of the disease. If it is a parasitic infection, then the appropriate medication will be prescribed. If it is due to poor water quality, then the water quality in the tank will need to be improved in order to treat dropsy. If it is a bacterial infection, then antibiotics will be prescribed.

If the dropsy is due to a viral infection, then there is no chance to treat dropsy and the fish will usually die.

If the dropsy is due to age or poor health, then there is not much that can be done except to provide supportive care to your sick fish.

The best way to prevent dropsy in betta fish is to maintain good water quality and to ensure that they are healthy and well-nourished. This can be done by feeding them a high-quality diet and by keeping their tank clean.

Betta should also be kept away from any pollutants, such as pesticides and agrochemicals.

How To Prevent Dropsy In Betta

The best way to prevent dropsy in betta fish is to maintain good water quality and to ensure that they are healthy and well-nourished. This can be done by feeding them a high-quality diet and by keeping their tank clean.

Betta fish should also be kept away from any pollutants, such as pesticides and agrochemicals.

Regular water changes and filter maintenance are essential for keeping the water quality high in a betta fish tank. The water should also be tested regularly for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. If these levels are high, then the water quality is probably low, and a partial water change should be performed.

The actual method of treatment will depend on why the betta fish has dropsy disease and what caused it. If it is due to a parasitic infection, then the appropriate medication will be prescribed. If it is due to poor water quality, then the water quality in the tank will need to be improved. If it is a bacterial infection, then antibiotics will be prescribed.

If the dropsy is due to a viral infection, then there is no treatment and the fish will usually die.

Dropsy can occur at any age in betta fish but it most commonly occurs later in life. Often the fish will be in good health up until the point where it suddenly develops dropsy.

If you notice any of the early symptoms of dropsy in your betta fish, then it is important to take them to a vet immediately. This is the only way to get a correct diagnosis and to start treatment as soon as possible. By catching the disease early, you may be able to save the fish’s life.

How To Differentiate Dropsy From Constipation

Dropsy disease can be easily confused with constipation, especially in the early stages when the symptoms are not very obvious. However, there are a few key differences that can help to differentiate between the two conditions.

– Dropsy causes the body of the fish to swell up, while constipation does not

– Dropsy causes the scales on the fish to be raised, while constipation does not

– Dropsy causes the eyes of the fish to bulge outwards, while constipation does not

– Constipation in betta fish is also accompanied by lethargy and anorexia

– If you notice any swelling or bloating on your betta fish then it should be taken to a vet immediately, as it is likely that they have dropsy.

Can Betta Fish Recover From Dropsy?

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The chances of recovery will depend on what caused the dropsy and how severe it is.

If the betta fish is extremely old then they will most likely not be able to recover from dropsy disease. However, if they are relatively young and healthy then they may be able to survive.

The best way to improve the chance of recovery is by catching the disease early before it causes too much internal damage. The sooner you can start treatment, the better.

If the dropsy is caused by a bacterial infection, then antibiotics may be able to clear it up. If the dropsy is caused by a parasitic infection, then the appropriate medication will need to be prescribed. If it is due to poor water quality, then the water quality in the tank will need to be improved.

Dropsy can be fatal if it is not treated properly. If left untreated, dropsy may eventually lead to organ failure and death. It is important to get the condition treated as soon as possible before it causes too much damage.


Dropsy is a serious condition that can be fatal if not treated properly. It is important to catch the disease early and start treatment as soon as possible. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not a betta fish can recover from dropsy, but by catching it early and providing the appropriate treatment

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